We invited Doron Cohen, a consultant who has helped dozens of brands successfully venture beyond Israel's borders, to join us for a discussion with Amos Shacham, CEO of BOA Ideas.

While this conversation centers on expansion from Israel to abroad, much of the content can be relevant more generally to anyone whose is planning on crossing international borders.

Here are they main topics Amos and Doron chat about:
1. What are the top factors that companies just starting to plan international growth should consider?
2. If your business has different stores for different countries, how should you set up the domains?
3. How do you run integrated marketing communications internationally?
4. How can you account for different laws, regulations, and general practices when operating in a new market?
5. How can you create an international marketing gantt and why should you bother?
6. What is a visual and verbal brand language and why do you need to develop it?
7. What maintenance do you need to do for your website on a regular basis?

To contact BOA Ideas, email hi@boaideas.com
To contact Doron Cohen, email doronxcohen@gmail.com

To learn more about BOA Ideas, visit boaideas.com

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