About Gottex

Gottex is a 50-year-old luxury Israeli swimwear company with designs inspired by its middle eastern roots. They produce three brands under the Gottex umbrella that cater to everything from sporty to modest to trendy styles. Their goal is to create high-quality, fashionable swimwear.


With Gottex’s previous Shopify storefront, day-to-day management was difficult. The site was built poorly - everything was hardcoded, making it impossible for Gottex to make ongoing changes. This, along with site sluggishness and an outdated interface, were huge problems for a site that launches new products every week. Bathing suits can be a challenge to buy online - they often have a return rate upwards of 30%. Adding a feature to help buyers select the right size was a core need for Gottex.


We rebuilt the entire site, using adjustable templates and modular elements. It allows Gottex to not only maintain their site but create new pages, edit images, and change text. We also built a feature that recommends a size to a user based on 3 core body measurements. It takes into account the four distinct brands sold on the website to generate accurate size recommendations for each. 


After one year with the new site, Gottex’s conversions are up by 41% and return rate is down by 50%.

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